Working Towards a Goal
A local football team (under 15s) are hoping to fund their way to a football tournament in Holland at Easter. Many of them played for Betley Football Club before the team folded. They carried on.
To do this they are hoping to raise money by sweeping up the leaves in your garden, on the pavement outside your house, or anywhere else, in exchange for a donation.
They will be supervised by the team manager and parents and will take your leaves to a composter or bin in your garden if you have one, take the leaves away, or do any other autumnal work that is needed.
They are hoping to carry out the work around 30 November when hopefully the leaf drop will have have ended.
If you would like them to help you then please contact 07816779407. There is a form to complete in the Reading Room if you would prefer, to be returned to Gill Mellor.
They are now taking orders! And raring to go.
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