It has been noted in the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2024 Minute 5 a statement made about this blog 'by a member of the parish council'- 'that any comments submitted to the author of the blog which questioned the factual accuracy of the contents of its reports were ignored and not published'. This is an assumption (yet another) not a fact.
It also seems to be yet another example of attempts to undermine the integrity of the blog (and its author). The blog, it has been noted, presents another view point which often differs from the 'standard'/'official' view presented via the Minutes particularly, where statements are made and treated as if they were universal truths rather than just 'a view' of a group of people.
It needs to be pointed out here, therefore, that all comments received are read and considered, even though they come from a very small pool of anonymous, in the main, individuals, some with obvious agendas and with malice aforethought. It is difficult to take such anonymous submissions seriously especially when they give the impression of 'fishing' or attempting to subvert the blog or to find fault with it. No-one has to read the blog, so one can only wonder why these individuals bother - other than to make a fuss about it in the Council Minutes in the hope it will be censored?
Every attempt is made to ensure the information is the best available which residents can read and then form their own opinion - and if sufficiently interested can begin their own research to find out more - on any given issue. One can only question why someone would want to deliberately mislead. The result of that kind of behaviour was made very clear in the results of the general election.
The suggestions by the three residents who addressed the meeting on the 22 May and whose scripts were added as an appendix to the Minutes were scurrilous in suggesting that information was deliberately false/falsified. Errors can and do occur. Where these are pointed out they are corrected, if justified. This can be done immediately on the blog. The same cannot be said for the Parish Council Minutes where corrections are rarely admissible, and rarely entertained.
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