Help Needed

 this was sent to me this morning by the Lead of the Footpaths Working Party Councillor Amanda Berrisford:

On Thursday 9th May (tomorrow) Nigel Hopkins from SCC rural team is coming to install the remaining two Kissing gates at the Ditch opposite Frank Speeds and the Stile held up with string on H Kennerely's land.

He has informed me there are no volunteers available and so I am putting a shout out to you all  with the details to see if you can help in any way. 

I am out all day today so do not have the time to call the people on our list.  I do not want to put out on the facebook page as we may get too many folk (going forward that would be great) however, we only have a couple of hrs so on this occasion a small productive team would be best. 

 I am Meeting Nige at the H&T at then we shall enter the field opposite Betley Court Farm and take his truck to the furthest point where then we have to carry the tools a short way across to the ditch.  If you can come along please meet at the paddock gate opposite Franks at we aim to be done by 12noon

Myself and Robert will be there so any extra help will be much appreciated even if you can pass on to someone you think could help.



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