Section 106 Monies Update

 After the garage site in Wrinehill was re-developed and nine houses built, the developer made a financial contribution of over £11,158 was made to Newcastle Borough Council.  The suggested use was for the  resurfacing of  of the Betley Village Hall car park.  The 106 Agreement monies were originally conceived in order to improve the local area, which, in this case, residents thought might be Wrinehill, and especially since the Bluebell development 106 Money of around £47,000 went to Knutton.  (See the Post below  for January 2024.)

Wrinehill residents had suggested that some of the latest money be used for planting trees on the grass verges outside the new development - Egerton View. 

However, the response  to that was: 'The S106 for 17/00968/FUL requires payment of £11,158 specifically for “the improvements to the surfacing at Betley Village Hall or at another suitable local facility managed by Betley Parish Council”. Given that the planting of trees along the grass verge does not meet that definition, it would not be lawful for the monies to be used ...''    

Residents do not recall being consulted about the use of this S10 money, now or earlier.     




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