Drained. Checkley Lane Sorted? Well, Almost!
Checkley Lane has closed for most of this week since work is being a carried out under the bridge.
It seems that the blocked drain, just above the bridge on the Cheshire East side, was the result of an even larger blockage to an underground drain. This was cleared today when a manhole was discovered set into the boundary hedgerow. The road was dug up to unblock, also, the drain crossing the road - which was causing a blocked and overflowing grid on the opposite side of the road. Cheshire east claimed that this work had been carried out just before the last election. Clearly not.
It was this blockage that was causing the water to flow from the field onto the road down under the bridge to the two blocked grids causing a flood under the bridge. The grids under the bridge were recently unblocked, thankfully, but the water from the field continued to flow down the road to the bridge.
This was wrongly attributed, by some, to the HS2 ponds created last year near Randilow Farm House.
The water was actually flowing down from the large lake in the field above the bridge, and as reported in the Wrinehill roads Reports presented to the Parish Council and posted on this blog. This was verified today by the workmen excavating the area. With the manhole and drain cleared, the water from the field should now flow into the grid and drain away. Hopefully.
The potholes and stretch of road under the bridge is also due for repair as is the bridge itself. However, this cannot be undertaken without permission from, and under the supervision by the railway Company. Hopefully soon, and before the winter sets in. Here's hoping, hopefully.
Meanwhile work has been undertaken on the bend just before the junction with the main road. A ditch has been dug into the verge taking the almost permanent puddle onto the adjacent field. The flood here has been an almost permanent feature for the past 18 months at least. Although the water is now draining away a great deal of thick, black mud remains. This needs to be removed because underneath it is another solidly blocked grid.
It also appears that another flood is forming outside the group of four houses just after the bend. Here, too, lurks another solidly blocked drain.
It is unclear who carried out the work on the bend, but it would be useful if they could return to complete it.
We are almost there, but still some way to go before we can say home and dry. Let's watch these spaces. Hopefully.
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