Behind Closed Doors 2: Recent Parish Council Meeting Highlights Ongoing Tensions

At the last Parish Council meeting, the Chair and Vice Chair presented a verbal summary of the Clerk's performance appraisal, as part of fulfilling the Council's annual requirement. However, the written report was not shared with members, prompting one Councillor to request its circulation. This request was declined by the Chair.  The Vice Chair expressed loudly, his strong objections to the question, stating that his integrity was being questioned, before leaving the meeting abruptly (slamming the door).

During the public forum, three of the attendees read statements criticizing the local blog and Wrinehill residents' newsletter.  One being the former Clerk questioned the Councillor's vote on the end-of-year accounts. He also raised concerns about the Councillor's actions, suggesting that any queries about the Parish Council accounts should be addressed to him (rather than to the proper auditing authorities'.

The statements, read out (which later became attached as an appendix to the Minutes of the meeting) contained inaccuracies that seemed aimed at discrediting the blog and newsletter, calling for their closure and suggesting that they should be censored. 

This part of the meeting lasted nearly an hour, with limited intervention from the Chair despite shouting, and verbal abuse, calling for the Councillor to resign.

The meeting ended in disorder, with Cllr Head attributing the disruption to the Councillor and suggesting she should reflect on her behaviour and actions - although he did not specify what these might be. 

At the end of the meeting two members of the public demanded the Councillor resign and stated that she should 'Clear off'.  One individual followed the Councillor outside, continuing to shout loudly, waiving her arms aggressively -  an incident likely captured on the Village Hall CCTV camera.

The Councillor’s questions and concerns raised appear, for some reason, to have caused significant opposition from some existing, established members of the Council who appear to be unaccustomed to  scrutiny and being asked to account. This has led to formal complaints being made over the past two years, seemingly aimed, in the first instance,  at prompting a voluntary resignation.

An independent solicitor was hired by the Borough Council to handle these complaints at a cost of nearly £24,000. The complaints, were not considered individually, but collectively by the Solicitor and presented in a report to the Monitoring Officer.   The Panel of the the Standards Committee, endorsed the solicitor’s findings despite the Councillor’s rebuttals of both the complaints and the draft report. Consequently, the Councillor was sanctioned deprived of her representational rights and effectively excommunicated.   

For the past two years, the Parish Council Minutes have included negative discussions about, and have recorded directed actions against, this particular Councillor on a regular basis, which some might interpret as 'special' even unfair 'treatment' - even a vendetta! 

Such events - which are not peculiar to the Betley Parish Council , it seems, reflect the challenges these days of maintaining decorum, accountability, and fairness in local governance, especially when longstanding practices are questioned and scrutinised.




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