A Third Hearing - When Enough is Enough!

Betley held an Elector's meeting on 22 May 2024.  Last year, the turnout was low, with only two attendees and one additional person from a neighboring parish seeking support for an issue. This year, the meeting had a significant focus, as much of it was dedicated to discussing the breach of the Code of Conduct, an issue that has been a prominent concern of the Parish Council for the past two years.

The Minutes, and the comments made by three individuals, who expressed criticism of the Subject Member, have now been published on the Parish Council's website. These comments, presented by two residents of Betley and the former Clerk, addressed concerns about the accuracy and integrity of this blog and the Wrinehill Newsletter, listing what they perceived as inaccuracies. The Newsletter aims to keep Wrinehill residents informed and strives for accuracy.  Errors  on the blog are more quickly dealt with and are corrected as soon as they are detected or pointed out, if valid. It is important to note that the blog operates independently of the Parish Council, as confirmed by the Investigating Solicitor's report.  Some of their own statements were far from accurate or correct, serving to exacerbate rather than resolving the situation.

One of the parish residents has attended meetings and expressed strong opinions that have been recorded in the Minutes. There are concerns that some of these statements might include inaccuracies or misinformation. Once approved by the Parish Council, the Minutes become a legal document, as noted by the Chair. If the information contained in the Minutes is inaccurate, it could mislead the public, which the Minutes are supposed to serve with accuracy and accountability. Ensuring that the Minutes are factual and unbiased is crucial for maintaining public trust and transparency.

 There have been concerns raised about the accuracy of some statements recorded in the Parish Council's Minutes, particularly those expressed by a parish resident during meetings. It is important for the Minutes, which become a legal document once approved by the Parish Council, to reflect accurate and verified information, ensuring the integrity of the Minutes is essential for maintaining public trust and accountability.  Instead of this being addressed, such expressions of concern has led to highly questionable complaints being made about a member of this council, which has led to censure and virtual exclusion of that Member.  There is something clearly wrong in all this. 

The Chair's summing up at the end of the Elector's meeting expressed his profound sadness over the way events had unfolded.  However, it is important to recognize that the Clerk and the Chair play crucial roles in overseeing procedures at meetings to ensure that the Council and members operate within the bounds of the law and maintain the integrity of the institution.  Effective adherence to Council policy and rules is essential to prevent any potential issues and to uphold the Council’s reputation and legal compliance.  Thus residents might wonder how events had reached the level of toxicity which ended in a formal hearing.   

On this occasion, the Chair, Councillor Bettley-Smith, expressed sentiments that suggested the issue might have been preventable if the Parish Council had a policy in place to manage internal disputes. The absence of such a policy raises questions about the Council's approach to handling conflicts. It is important for the Parish Council to account for its decisions and actions to foster transparency and accountability. Members of the Council might benefit from considering how their actions impact their wellbeing and the wellbeing of the community. Upholding honesty and truthfulness is essential for building trust and ensuring effective governance. The concept of perception as reality, as frequently stated by the Chair, is only valid when that perception accurately reflects the truth; otherwise, it risks becoming self-deception.

Given the numerous challenges and events at both national and local levels over the past five years, it is understandable that many people have experienced angst, anxiety, mental trauma, and stress. Determining the specific cause of these feelings can be complex. It raises the question of whether these emotions are solely due to recent events within the council occasioned, we are told, by one individual, or are part of a broader pattern of general and other behaviours and events which this PC has been dealing with.  This reflection might suggest a deeper understanding of the impact of current affairs and other behaviours on the collective well-being of this Council.  It might therefore be questionable if the proposed remedies will effect the necessary changes.

The new regime of  meetings overall within the Parish Council seems counterproductive for those few individuals who have stated that they find meetings stressful. This increase may inadvertently reduce transparency in the finances, audit process, and planning by overwhelming participants and potentially complicating oversight. There are also concerns that this approach might lead to issues related to the Parish Council's adherence to its legal powers, which could serve to complicate matters further.

The ongoing issue seems to have escalated significantly, overshadowing other important concerns within the parish and its governance. It has reached a point where it is necessary to call for amelioration in order to restore focus on more constructive matters. Defamation and libel have no place in any context, especially in politics, as they erode any respect residents might have for authority.  It is therefore crucial to avoid misinformation and disinformation to maintain trust and integrity in the governing institutions we have.  And we all have a part to play in that - given that we live in such interesting times!  




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