Your Mobile Library Needs You

 At the moment the Mobile Library visits Betley twice per month on a Friday between 9.20 and 10.00 am.

However,  it is rarely on time since it has to travel from Stafford at rush hour and the van has to be kitted out an refuelled etc before starting off from Stafford..

For a while the librarian has felt that this service is not sustainable at this time or even on this day.  

Therefore a suggestion has been made that the day be changed to Tuesday afternoon, when the Van is at Madeley Centre in the morning, so it would not have far to travel. It might also suit the School better since the morning time slot interfered with assembly and other activities.   Tuesday afternoon might also coincide with the students' lunch break and so not interfere with lesson time.   

 It seems that the Officer in charge is aware of the difficulties re scheduling but claims that Cabinet is in charge of the decision-making re any changes to be made. 

It was also queried if the Library Van could visit/did visit Doddlespool Hall and as part of its visit to Betley.  This will be explored, although there appears to be a separate service for Care Homes.  However, if boxes of books are to be delivered, only, then this delivery could coincide with the visit to Betley.  This might help to streamline the service - if the issue is one of financial resources, or the lack of.

It is hoped that as many people as possible will write to the Library supporting this initiative and the  change to the re scheduling, in the hope that the service will be saved and become more accessible as a result of the change to the day and time (please contact:


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