Counting the Cost
At the February meeting of the PC, the Clerk/RFO presented a report on the way that the new management and control of PC funding would take place. A long list of questions were submitted by one councillor, none were answered, the Councillor was silenced!
The Terms of Reference now established, would mean that everything to do with finance and auditing will be carried out by this new Committee - see below:
The Finance and
Audit Committee will meet twice a year.
It will hold a budget meeting prior to the November meeting of Council
to consider and make recommendations to Council on the following year’s budget
and it will hold an internal controls meeting in March, to prepare for the
annual Parish Council Audits.
The Finance and
Audit Committee may hold extra meetings to consider policy, staffing and other
financial matters which may impact the Council.
Areas of Responsibility
consider the Council budget each year and make recommendations to Parish Council
on the budget and the precept level;
consider and complete the AGAR which will be presented to the Parish Council
meeting in April;
consider and review the Parish Council Risk Assessment annually;
consider and review the Parish Council Asset Register annually;
look at the budget heading and actual spend and suggest any amendments for
approval by Council;
ensure an adequate and effective system of internal control is in place to
secure the integrity of finances and information;
review internal internal and external audits;
ensure appropriate insurances are held by the Council;
ensure that appropriate records are maintained and preserved to provide probity
to Council;
membership of the Finance and Audit Committee is 4 Councillors with 3 required
to be in attendance to be quorate;
consider any additional internal controls required to ensure value for money
for the electorate.
Whilst some of these terms might be more suitable for a large Council dealing with millions of pounds, it might seem heavy handed, when many of the tasks mentioned here are required to be carried out by the whole council and not just a small group of councillors. This would refer particularly to the completing of the AGAR, by the full council which is a legal requirement.
The Committee comprises the following councillors: Bettley-Smith, Daly, Watkins, Karling and Berrisford. Possibly the Clerk, although not mentioned. At least three of the members of this Committee are signatories of PC Cheques.
Best practice goes further to suggest members of the public with a knowledge of finance/accounting should also be part of the Committee as well as a representative from the Internal Audit Forum - to which it is also recommended that every Internal Auditor should belong. This would ensure the objectivity transparency and accountability of the Committee.
This is all very well, but does this council know the accounting system being used? The online accounting package being used, and if it is fit for purpose? Does the new Auditor live 10 miles away from Council and or Clerk? Is the Auditor known to the Clerk? Is the Auditor a member of the Internal Auditor Forum?
The Parish Council is also to change its bank, its Internal Auditor and to move over to electronic payments. As long as the outcome is openness, transparency, and accountability all might be well. However, if it is about control by a small group which relegates the rest of the council to bystanders then all this might need tweaking somewhat. Parish Councils, I am told have two paramount functions: to keep a true and accurate record of meetings via the Minutes and keeping a true and accurate record of public spending (at least).
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