Checkley Lane Again
On Saturday a deeper trench was dug to take the water off the road and onto an adjacent field - with the permission of the landowner. This has partially worked for the near side but the camber of the road makes total clearance difficult on the opposite side where erosion of the tarmac has created a dangerous unevenness, causing damage to vehicles which encounter it.
The pool under the bridge remains and the two streams from the water issuing from two sides of the road appears to be making it deeper. I received an email from an anonymous resident claiming that the field water run of into a blocked drain had stopped running. On Sunday that was not the case. The water had stopped bubbling and the flow had slowed but not ceased. However, the water issue from the other side of the road into a blocked drain had become greater so the flood under the bridge was still being added to.
Saturday morning was spent with a Cheshire East Borough Councillor who, with maps has confirmed the Cheshire East boundary. I am waiting to hear the view of Staffordshire County Council and where they think the boundary lies - and if there is agreement.
The word here too, is that : 'At the present time there is no “definitive CEC position” on the works but my correspondence to them yesterday and updated today, may elicit one!'
Action is therefore awaited, whatever is decided by the technical Officers of CEC, and hopefully while the weather remains dry for the next few days. Let's hope that Cheshire East takes some kind of positive action towards a sustainable resolution.
One thing that was noted last week was that behind the hedge in the field and opposite Randilow Cottage was a large hole which looked as if the ground had collapsed. Inside it on either side it looked as if some kind of water drainage had occurred, but was now dry-ish. The hole was not near the point where there is run-off from the field as mentioned above. Spooky!
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