Checkley Lane Again
Well the heavy rain of the last two days has not helped the situation at all. the area of water around the telecom mast has deepened and widened and it seems a large pothole has developed underneath it which means that cars and vans making contact with it are likely to be badly damaged. Various bits of car and van anatomy are floating in the water. Vehicles are also having to be towed out of the mud on a regular basis. the road has been closed for several days but it is still being used.
Another situation is developing beyond the bridge on the Cheshire East side where two drains have become blocked. Runoff from the field (which was a mere trickle when it rained) has now become a steady stream and opposite is another blocked drain where water from the railway or the nearby land is also providing a steady flow. These are joining together and flowing into the growing flood under the bridge - the grids here are also blocked.
A ditch has been dug to steer water on to adjacent land but because there is a steady water supply from the mast area and now from the bridge it is not having much effect. We are being led to believe that Cheshire East are taking the lead to improve (also hopefully to resolve) the situation. which is just as well since Staffordshire County Council seem silent on the matter.
A Cheshire East Councillor has arranged for the BBC to come and cover the issue of the flooded lane. Whilst this will publicise the problem it will take political will and Officer expertise to resolve the matter. That might work.
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