Wet, Wet, Wet

 I took yet another walk today to check how this latest bout of heavy rain had affected Checkley Lane.  And  particularly as I had seen this morning, when opening the blinds, cars reversing, not being able to pass the large flood onn the bend at the Main Road A531 end.

Kitted out with waterproofs, wellington boots and umbrella I waded my way along the lane.  The first thing I noted was a blue police cordon stating 'police line do not cross'.  However this had been snapped and cars, vans and lorries were passing.  I was given a lift home by one of the vans!  Many thanks.

I was somewhat surprised to see the extent of the flooding.  The flood under the bridge (caused by blocked grids for many weeks, with one of the grids almost permanently blocked and being fed water and something orange from one of the fields) was now flowing under the bridge and down 

to the area around the telecom mast, also flooded owing to a blocked grid and water bubbling up from underground.  The water here was flowing downwards to join up with the almost permanent  pool on the bend.  


Someone had cut a trench from the road into one of the dog training fields and these fields were now flooded (the water looked both deep and extensive).  Hopefully permission had been given for the trench.

Further towards the bend, water from the 'new' farm road was feeding into the major flood on the bend at the A531 end of the lane.  If the rain continues then all three from the bridge downwards could join up to form one major obstruction.

Already the water from all three areas has saturated the verges, which are being used by all vehicles attempting to avoid the flood water in the road - sometimes not successfully.   this is causing severe erosion of the verges.

 Lorries and vans passing through are raising quite a tsunami.

Given the extent of the county-wide flooding, it will be interesting to see if any solutions to the issues here will be forthcoming.  More resources from central government might be one!     




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