Participatory Budgeting - Have your Say

Under the above system this has recently been circulated as a consultation exercise by the Staffordshire Commissioner's office. This is the time of the year when a figure is set to finance local services from the Council Tax and other tax that residents pay. It is unclear that if there is to be an increase in Fire and Rescue and Policing if this will mean a decrease in funds to other services provided by other Authorities such as the NBC and SCC - or will their budgets also have to be increased? Although the rate will be set in January, it has been being discussed since October/November.

The Council Tax appears to have been increasing year on year and services reducing so it is not always clear where the money is being spent. It is understood that the Police Force has been under special measures for some time. Perhaps we need to know why, so that any issues can be addressed before any increases to the local Council Tax are made.
A recent Local Government Finance Policy statement 2024 to 2025 which sets out the government’s intentions for the upcoming local government finance settlement has been announced. This package of proposed referendum principles includes a core council tax referendum limit for local authorities of up to 3% (for shire district councils this is up to 3% or £5, whichever is higher), an adult social care precept of 2%, £13 for police authorities, up to 3% for fire and rescue authorities, has been announced.'
Whilst this is not a good time of the year for a consultation it is hoped that people will respond.
Find below the information from the Commissioner's Office
Subject: Have your say on the amount you pay towards Policing and Fire & Rescue Services in Staffordshire
I would like to invite you to take part in a consultation to provide feedback on how much you would be prepared to pay for Policing and Fire & Rescue services in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
I am responsible for setting the budget for Staffordshire Police, and Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service, including the amount of council tax used for both services.
For 2024/25, I am asking residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to share their views on the following options, based on a Band D property currently paying £260.57 each year for Police services and £84.25 for Fire & Rescue services.
• No increase in precept
• An extra £5 per year (42p extra a month) This is a 1.92% increase.
• An extra £10 per year (83p extra a month) This is a 3.84% increase.
• An extra £15 per year (£1.25 extra a month) This is a 5.76% increase.
• An extra £20 per year (£1.67 extra a month) This is a 7.68% increase.
Fire & Rescue:
• No increase in precept
• An extra £2.50 per year (21p extra a month) This is a 2.97% increase.
• An extra £3.75 per year (31p extra a month) This is a 4.45% increase.
• An extra £5 per year (42p extra a month) This is a 5.94% increase.
While both services have sound finances, the future is uncertain with energy costs remaining high, international instability and the cost of servicing our national debt following the pandemic likely to restrict central government grants. Staffordshire Police and Fire & Rescue will continue to make savings and increase productivity but to secure their future, to keep improving service levels and provide the security we expect, it will require investment.
This year, many people have seen their pay, benefit or pension increase but balancing household budgets is still challenging. I aim to keep council tax as low as possible and will only ask for more in order to maintain or improve your Police and Fire & Rescue Service.
I would welcome your thoughts on these options.
The council tax consultation runs until 4 January 2024.


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