What's in a Name

 Over the summer the advertising hoardings went up outside the new development in Wrinehill.  It is being advertised as EgertonView.  

When this information was posted on this blog, I received an email from the Parish Council Chair  to say this was not the case - it is to be called Tollhouse Court.  There the matter could have ended but he went on to state:

'Unfortunately, the Wrinehillbog (a Freudian slip?) gives incorrect information about the street name, referring to the name as being Egerton View. The incorrect information is doubly unfortunate as the promulgation of the incorrect name has caused upset in some places, which I have had to deal with: there have been a number of negative observations about the (incorrect) name and a couple of concerns have been registered.'

In defence of the blog it spoke only of the name of the development (not the street name (it is not a street) which was the only information available which could be verified and which was provided by the developer, at the time.   I was not made aware (or consulted) on the final street name (Tollhouse Court) although I am one of the parish councillors for Wrinehill, until I received the Chair's email stating what it was to be.  Why this would cause upset in some places (and it would be useful to know which) or negative observations ... and concerns (again useful to know which) is beyond me.     

He went on to denigrate the blog (not for the first time) re not checking facts before posting and bringing the PC into disrepute etc..  

If the situation is 'comic', then perhaps the comedy lies in the over-the-top response to the blog, and possibly the intention to impose only one view on the issue, not least misreading and/or misrepresenting what was actually written on the blog.   



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