Proposed New Street name

 I have just received an anonymous email from someone who thinks that the NBC 'would not create a name'.  Please find below the paragraph in the letter recently received rom NBC prior to the one in the previous post below. 

Proposed Street Name: Development on land off Main Road, Wrinehill


'We have received a request for street name & numbering for a new development on land off Main Road / New Road. The development has resulted in the creation of a new street. The street name allocated has been chosen from a previous theme used in the borough, as the site in question did not offer any suitable previous history that isn’t already in use as a street name. The new street name is:


Sixpence Terrace'

Make of that what you will.

To the person who responded to the Post, many thanks but it would be helpful if responses were not anonymous. 

The new houses are not  a terrace - more of a row.  It has been suggested that the name Nelson might be mentioned since the Nelson Pub once stood on, or near, this site.  Possibly Nelson Row might be more appropriate? 


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