New Road Name

 The former garage site in Wrinehill is coming along and the parish councillors have just been informed that the NBC have created a name for it  - Sixpence Terrace.  We are informed that this has some relevance to the area/borough history although no-one is sure what.   The notification goes on to state:

'There does not appear to be any reason why the suggested name cannot be approved, as it is not in use elsewhere in the borough, as our policy requires. If you are happy with the above choice could you let me have your reply by 8th September 2023. Should no reply be received by this date I will assume that you have accepted the name.'

 As one of the Parish councillors for Wrinehill I thought it might be an idea if parishioners could be asked their view on the name, or if they knew of any local association with Sixpence etc..   Note the deadline!  I look forward to hearing from you.  



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