Dead Tree

 I have just received a response from United Utilities re the dead tree on the corner of the new road to the sewage works.  The letter informs us that:

'Our contractor sought a specialist arboriculturalist to assess the condition of the tree including careful hand excavation to identify the depth of the roots and to create a construction technique that would allow for improvement to the access road whilst protecting the tree.

We are very disappointed that the condition of the tree has appeared to deteriorate despite the best endeavours that were employed.

We have asked a further arboriculture consultant to visit the site and inspect the tree and provide recommendations for the removal of the tree if deemed necessary.'

As the tree is dead and adjacent to the Main Road its removal might be imperative.  Also given that it was a TPO tree it should be replaced with a similar specimen.   An update has been promised.

At the moment the road to the sewage works, and the sewage works, are not yet completed.  Hopefully, the extension of the sewage works will be sufficient to deal with with the development suggested in the NBC Draft Local Plan.   


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