
Showing posts from August, 2023

Soil Your Underwear!

 The Stroud Water Research Centre has been encouraging people to bury their cotton underwear, since this will improve the condition of the soil in your garden/allotment/field.  However the underwear needs to be 100 per cent cotton for the microbes in the soil to be interested in recycling.  It seems that there are billions of hungry bacteria, fungi and protozoa (even in a teaspoon of soil)  and they are hungry for carbon - of which cotton contains a lot, we are told. So to improve your soil start planting!  After 60 days the underwear can be dug up to see how much has been eaten.  If completely disintegrated this means that your soil is 'healthy and alive'. Why not give it ago?  This gives a whole new meaning to soiled underwear!!  

Proposed New Street name

 I have just received an anonymous email from someone who thinks that the NBC 'would not create a name'.  Please find below the paragraph in the letter recently received rom NBC prior to the one in the previous post below.  Proposed Street Name: Development on land off Main Road, Wrinehill   'We have received a request for street name & numbering for a new development on land off Main Road / New Road. The development has resulted in the creation of a new street. The street name allocated has been chosen from a previous theme used in the borough, as the site in question did not offer any suitable previous history that isn’t already in use as a street name. The new street name is:   Sixpence Terrace' Make of that what you will. To the person who responded to the Post, many thanks but it would be helpful if responses were not anonymous.  The new houses are not  a terrace - more of a row.  It has been suggested that the name Nelson might b...

Dead Tree

 I have just received a response from United Utilities re the dead tree on the corner of the new road to the sewage works.  The letter informs us that: 'Our contractor sought a specialist arboriculturalist to assess the condition of the tree including careful hand excavation to identify the depth of the roots and to create a construction technique that would allow for improvement to the access road whilst protecting the tree. We are very disappointed that the condition of the tree has appeared to deteriorate despite the best endeavours that were employed. We have asked a further arboriculture consultant to visit the site and inspect the tree and provide recommendations for the removal of the tree if deemed necessary.' As the tree is dead and adjacent to the Main Road its removal might be imperative.  Also given that it was a TPO tree it should be replaced with a similar specimen.   An update has been promised. At the moment the road to the sewage works, and the ...

New Road Name

 The former garage site in Wrinehill is coming along and the parish councillors have just been informed that the NBC have created a name for it  - Sixpence Terrace.  We are informed that this has some relevance to the area/borough history although no-one is sure what.   The notification goes on to state: 'There does not appear to be any reason why the suggested name cannot be approved, as it is not in use elsewhere in the borough, as our policy requires. If you are happy with the above choice could you let me have your reply by 8 th September 2023. Should no reply be received by this date I will assume that you have accepted the name.'   As one of the Parish councillors for Wrinehill I thought it might be an idea if parishioners could be asked their view on the name, or if they knew of any local association with Sixpence etc..   Note the deadline!  I look forward to hearing from you.