In response to a comment received re the Section 106 Agreement monies (see page): whilst the £40000+ might not have been spent on Checkley Lane (although with some persuasion it might have been) it could have been spent on affordable housing in Wrinehill/Betley given that this was a stated need in the Betley neighbourhood plan. The suggestion that information on this blog are 'potentially misleading' are some what mischievous, in my view. I have found reading the Minutes of the Parish Council meetings can also be misleading - although they claim to be true. This does not necessarily mean that they are accurate. It seems that there is not only one version of the truth these days, but several. Read everything with care. Preferably attend meetings and get your information first hand, then make up your own mind rather than have someone else make up your mind for you and tell you what to think.
Poppies and Cut-outs
People might have noticed the poppies and the cut out metal figures placed in the village for Armistice Day in November. It was suggested by Councillor Owen that metal figures be purchased and placed on the Village Green. Poppies would be displayed through the parish on lamp posts etc. These were paid for from the Parish Council Funds (£350 for the cutouts plus 20 plastic poppies at £5 each). At the November meeting I asked if there was a reason that no poppies had been placed in Wrinehill since the account had been paid from Parish Council funds. I did not receive a satisfactory answer but I was accused of making a ‘complaint’ (the only person not to praise the display, it seems). But it was not a ‘complaint’ only a question based on an observation. The upshot is that an email was sent to all Members of the Council suggesting that as a result poppies and cut out figures would be purchased -3 sets of figures and 40 more poppies). ...
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