Everyone Was a Winner

On  Friday 3 March I was invited to the Hand and Trumpet to attend the handing out of the Bonfire Committee Awards.  Those who received an award were very pleased.

The Working Party who are attempting to sort out replacement gates for the stiles, had made an application and they were happy to receive an award.  The Parish Council had awarded the project one thousand pounds; £3500 had been requested.   That was a bit disappointing because it now means that  we are £2000 short.   The Parish CounciI contribution was financed from the unspent Highway budget. Surprising, since some highways and pavements are also in need of urgent attention.  

The Betley Bonfire Committee provided a very good buffet supper, catered by the Hand and Trumpet.  A good night was had by all who gave grateful thanks to the Bonfire Committee and to the Speed family who hosts the bonfire each year on their land.


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