
Showing posts from March, 2024

Poppies and Flags

 It has been suggested that a flag to commemorate the 80th anniversary, in the Summer, of the D-Day landings be purchased by the Parish Council and flown on the Village Green.  The issue will be discussed at the PC meeting on the 11 April at 7.30 pm. Some residents also expressed a wish to purchase one or more large poppies to commemorate a loved one.  These will be available from the RBL at the end of March.  They were £5 each when purchased by the PC last November. 
There seem to be several new opinions circulating  regarding the water/flooding issues in Checkley Lane.  CHEC came and did some investigatory work last week and a blockage has been found in the drain on the Staffordshire side, near the bridge.  It is now up to Staffordshire to take action to remove the blockage in order to alleviating the flooding issue under the bridge. The gullies under the bridge, the responsibility of CHEC, also need to be unblocked.   HS2 is also being brought into the equation by some.   The work on the ponds opposite to Randilow Farmhouse is being implicated in those opinions.  One being that the ponds have been lined and thus overflow causing one of the streams of water from the field onto the road which is then feeding into the flood under the bridge.  The Contractors who did the work have been contacted re the work that they did with evidence to prove or disprove this view.  They have stated categorically with...


I have been asked by an anonymous enquirer about the significance of the 10 mile rule regarding internal the Internal Auditor from the Parish Council (it might also be queried if this distance rule also applies to Clerk and Auditor). There are several rules set down by the Internal Audit Forum to ensure complete objectivity and independence from the Council - this presumably also includes the Clerk.  The 10 mile rule has been suggested by the Internal Audit Forum, possibly to ensure a distance which supports objectivity and independence - ie they are not close neighbours/friends/relatives etc.  for example.   It is also advisable that the Internal Auditor be regularly changed - every two or three years is suggested in order to maintain that objectivity and independence.    In the main the Auditor is looking at control of spending.  The bottom line is can a reader of the Minutes and accounts be clear about what is being spent?  If not, then changes...

Counting the Cost

 At the February meeting of the PC, the Clerk/RFO presented a report on the way that the new  management and control of PC funding would take place.  A long list of questions were submitted by one councillor, none were answered, the Councillor was silenced!   The Terms of Reference now established, would mean that everything to do with finance and auditing will be carried out by this new Committee - see below: The Finance and Audit Committee will meet twice a year.  It will hold a budget meeting prior to the November meeting of Council to consider and make recommendations to Council on the following year’s budget and it will hold an internal controls meeting in March, to prepare for the annual Parish Council Audits. The Finance and Audit Committee may hold extra meetings to consider policy, staffing and other financial matters which may impact the Council. Areas of Responsibility 1·   To consider the Council budget each year and make recommendati...

Business as Usual?

 At the last meeting of the Parish Council in February,  the Chair directed Councillor Head to report back on the issue of the S106  agreement monies for the former Wrinehill garage site.  The contribution of £11,500 has been deposited with the Borough Council.  Residents feel that this money should be spent primarily in Wrinehill, given that the S 106 proceeds of the last two developments were not.  (£45,000 the Commuted sum for the Bluebell development went to Knutton, also a sum (not known) from the Saw Mill development  was allocated for Laudy Croft, but it is not known if that happened, we are told). It is unclear why a councillor for Betley village is reporting on this matter unless ....  It had been mooted way back that the S106 money should be spent on resurfacing the Village Hall  car park.   Needed it is true but the Village Hall could raise funds from other sources not to mention its own reserves, which are not insubstant...