
Showing posts from February, 2024

Poppies and Cut-outs

  People might have noticed the poppies and the cut out metal figures placed in the village for Armistice Day in November.   It was suggested by Councillor Owen that metal figures be purchased and   placed on the Village Green. Poppies would be displayed through the parish on lamp posts etc. These were paid for from the Parish Council Funds (£350 for the cutouts plus 20 plastic poppies at £5 each).   At the November meeting I asked if there was a reason that no poppies had been placed in Wrinehill since the account had been paid from Parish Council funds.   I did not receive a satisfactory answer but I was accused of making a ‘complaint’ (the only person not to praise the display, it seems).   But it was not a ‘complaint’ only a question based on an observation. The upshot is that an email was sent to all Members of the Council   suggesting that as a result poppies and cut out figures would be purchased -3 sets of figures and 40 more poppies).  ...

Checkley Lane

 Today a private (is this possible for a public authority?) meeting was held in a 4 x 4 parked on Checkley Lane.  The passengers were the County Councillor Paul Northcott (not seen in Betley for a while), the SCC Portfolio Holder David Williams (also unknown), a Field Officer/Engineer of the SCC, and R Bettley-Smith  Parish Councillor for Betley.  It was a 'private discussion' to see what could be done re the constant flooding of Checkley Lane from the bridge towards the main road. the two local landowners and the Parish Councillor for  Wrinehill had been excluded from such privacy.       Last week a grip had been dug to syphon off water from the road into a farmer's field.  This partially worked but the camber of the road meant that a large puddle remained on one side of the road - which happens to be where a large pothole has developed (the tarmac has been completely eroded to a damaging depth).  Vehicles using that part of the ro...

Tree Trimmed

 On Tuesday the dead tree near the new access road to the sewage works was finally dealt with.  Fortunately it had withstood the inclement weather which could have caused it to do some considerable damage had it fallen.    It is uncertain who has undertaken the work.  Whilst the branches have been lopped, the trunk remains, so it is still exists as a potential hazard if it is now dead.  Needless to say neighbours are concerned regarding what could happen next.  In the meantime they are keeping a close eye on its condition. In the meantime there are some residents who have benefitted from the (free?) wood.    

Smoke Control Order

  The NBC has announced that the whole of the   Borough is to become a smoke free zone.   A consultation is underway and can be accessed via the NBC website under ‘consultations’.   The Consultation is live for six weeks from 12 January 2024. This means that only approved woods and fuels can be burned in DEFRA approved wood   burners/stoves/fireplaces.   The Order will come into force 6 months after the declaration of the Order at a date to be specified by the NBC.      

Checkley Lane Again

 On Saturday a deeper trench was dug to take the water off the road and onto an adjacent field - with the permission of the landowner.  This has partially worked for the near side but the camber of the road makes total clearance difficult on the opposite side where erosion of the tarmac has created a dangerous unevenness, causing damage to vehicles which encounter it.   The pool under the bridge remains and the two streams from the water issuing from two sides of the road appears to be making it deeper.   I received an email from an anonymous resident claiming that the  field water run of into a blocked drain had stopped running.  On Sunday that was not the case.  The water had stopped bubbling and the flow had slowed but not ceased.  However, the water issue from the other side of the road into a blocked drain had become greater so the flood under the bridge was still being added to.   Saturday morning was spent with a Cheshir...

Here We Go

  On 7 April!   Farewell floods, goodbye rain, begone winds.   Spring is here.   And how do we know?   Because the bowling season starts, that’s why.   Shake off the winter blues by joining us on the green on Open Day.   View the new sprinkler system courtesy of HS2, admire the splendid green courtesy of the team who have worked hard all winter to ensure it is in tip-top condition.   Have tea and cakes in the sparkling pavilion after a quick game/practice.   But most of all join the Club and have a summer of exercise and fun. The joining fee remains the same as last year – 40 for existing and renewing members and 20 for new recruits. The open day will include an induction to the game, fun bowls, coaching and some friendly games, not to mention a raffle and the big lottery draw.   We now have some junior bowls so children 12 and over can have a taste of the sport (bring an adult).   Other groups old and young can also use the gre...

Checkley Lane Again

 Well the heavy rain of the last two days has not helped the situation at all.  the area of water around the telecom mast has deepened and widened and it seems a large pothole has developed underneath it which means that cars and vans making contact with it are likely to be badly damaged.  Various bits of car and van anatomy are floating in the water.  Vehicles are also having to be towed out of the mud on a regular basis.  the road has been closed for several days but it is still being used. Another situation is developing beyond the bridge on the Cheshire East side where two drains have become blocked.  Runoff from the field (which was a mere trickle when it rained) has now become a steady stream and opposite is another blocked drain where water from the railway or the nearby land is also providing a steady flow.  These are joining together and flowing into the growing flood under the bridge - the grids here are also blocked.   A ditch has ...

Best Kept Village Competition

The Parish Council is considering making an application to enter the above competition. The remit has changed from best kept village to Village Community.  The application states that the community aspect to the competition 'allows your community the opportunity to be recognised and to celebrate the strong, supportive, community spirit.  the competition 'will not be about aesthetic - gardens borders and flowers!  It is more about relationships,bonds,identity and where people have come together with a collective investment in their neighbourhood, where attitudes and interests are commonly shared.   The competition is an encouragement for those, it says, 'who take a pride in their community ... to come forward and showcase what they have achieved.  It is an opportunity to tell us about the great things that are going on within your community and celebrate why it's great to live in Staffordshire'. The Parish clerk has asked me to put together  a section e...

Prediction has Become a Reality

Last October the statement below was posted on this blog warning that if the grids were not regularly cleaned along Checkley Lane the potential for flooding would increase substantially:   ........... 'Additionally (to the flooding already experienced along Checkley Lane), the telecom mast installation further along the Lane has given rise to a persistent stream of water coming from underground.  The resolution to this was a ditch dug from the the mast to a grid at the side of the road, into which the water and sludge now flows.  When this drain becomes fully silted up (as are the two drains under the bridge now are) this water will flow into the road and so we will have another flood to deal with.   Half a step forward and three back!   Oh Dear!' ............ This has now come to pass.  Except that what we now have is the added scenario and danger of the flood under the bridge and the run off from the field on the Cheshire East side, joining...