Showing Off
I have never entered anything made or grown in a Show before. I made an exception this year. My runner beans were insistent. After a slow start, they took control and leapt up their canes, flowered like crazy and began to set with a vengeance. By the end of August one bean was large enough to feed one person. Clearly these beans had aspirations and were probably related to Jack’s. How could I disappoint them – given that the promising broad bean crop was devastated by black fly at a crucial stage of their development, the peas didn’t show at all, and the sweet peas sulked for so long they missed their chance? I had seen the notice for the Woore Flower and Produce Show at the Woore Garden Centre. On the morning of 7 September 2024 at 8.30 a.m. I set aside all misgivings and ferried them to the Victory Hall in Woore, the venue of the Show. They were entered for two classes – the runner bean and longest runner bean. ...