Where's the Money Going, Gone?
The former garage site, Egerton View in Wrinehill is nearing completion. Soon the properties will be occupied, although hopefully not before all the planning conditions set down by the Newcastle Borough Planning Department have been satisfied. It is unclear who might be responsible for ensuring compliance, although it should be the Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council. The issue of the Section 106 monies is therefore being discussed. The sum of £11,158 is being mentioned. However, when planning application 17/00968/FUL was discussed in 2018 and approved the commuted sum for the two extra dwellings was calculated to be and recorded as being £5579 each. It is expected that this sum would be spent on 'public open space improvements' in the locality where the development takes place. The Landscape Development Section of the Borough Council stated that the money 'would be used for improvements to the surfacing of Betley Villag...