
Showing posts from August, 2024
 Local Plan for Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough The new national government has made it clear that all local authorities must now produce a Local Plan.   A high proportion of councils do not have a plan in place and Newcastle-under-Lyme is one of them.  The current update and draft of the draft of the Local Plan is now being made available for consultation and scrutiny in public libraries, the Civic Offices in Newcastle and elsewhere.  'Road shows' will also be taking place in Silverdale (Methodist Church) 12 September; in Keele (the village pub) 19 September; and the Guildhall (Newcastle town centre) on 24 September. The Plan and other details are available on the NBC website.  The consultation period lasts until 7 October.  There is a lot to read and digest!  Whilst it is not for the faint-hearted it is important that local people read it so that they are made aware (at least) of what could happen over the next 20 years.   It is difficult...