Update on PC Year End Audits and Accounts
I have received some emails regarding the post on the issue of the year end account of the Parish Council and how the system is changing at government level and at the level of the parish council. It is understood that the Parish Council has now received this year's precept. The Clerk has set up an Audit and Accounts Committee which will now deal with most things financial. This is why it might be important to have some individuals on this Committee who are not linked to Betley in order to ensure objectivity. There are a set of stringent rules to follow outlined in the Practitioner's Guide of the Joint Panel of Accountability and Governance (JPAG) produced by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). This has just been updated. It is a clear and helpful guide for Clerks on how to handle, especially, the year end accounts which are no mean feat to deal with. The two sections which are the most practically helpful are se...