Checkley Lane
This morning an accident was reported in Checkley Lane which appeared to be caused by the ice on the road. The police and an ambulance were called to the scene. The ice was caused by the standing water on the road surface. There are now three puddles (two large with a third in progress). The large, and almost permanent, one is on the bend, the other one is under the bridge where it appears that both grids, under the bridge, are blocked. This water is now advancing towards the telecom mast area which is already generating a puddle of its own. A resident in the Parish has volunteered to keep a record of any road incidents or accident in the Parish with a view to presenting the data to the Police and the County Council, the objective being to reduce the statutory road speed limit on the A531 and along Checkley and Den Lanes from 60. We can but try! To this end, Barbara has kindly volunteered to receive any reports that resid...