
Showing posts from November, 2023

Checkley Lane

 This morning an accident was reported in Checkley Lane which appeared to be caused by the ice on the road.   The police and an ambulance were called to the scene. The ice was caused by the standing water on the road surface.  There are now three puddles (two large with a third in progress).   The large, and almost permanent, one is on the bend, the other one is under the bridge where it appears that both grids, under the bridge, are blocked.  This water is now advancing towards the telecom mast area which is already generating a puddle of its own.   A resident in the Parish has volunteered to keep a record of any road incidents or accident in the Parish with a view to presenting the data to the Police and the County Council, the objective being to reduce the statutory road speed limit on the A531 and along Checkley and Den Lanes from 60.  We can but try! To this end,  Barbara has kindly volunteered to receive any reports that resid...

Re thinking HS2

On second, or may be more thoughts, it seems that HS 2 will not now be proceeding to Crewe and Manchester after all - well, possibly not before the next election.   This will release a great many millions into other transport services. HS2 has stated that at the moment there is no further information regarding removing safeguarding, sale of land and property acquired by HS2 Ltd or the future of land on which new habitats have been created.    There are locations along the Phase 2a route where the HS2 supply chain will still be carrying out work which is needed either to finish work on an existing site, for the ongoing maintenance of a site, or for health, safety and security reasons. Ahead of this work taking place, HS2 has stated that it will continue to let those who may be affected know through Advanced Works Notifications and through updates to its dedicated local community webpages at . What will happen to the sequestered and compulso...

Sewage Works

Unfortunately I arrived too late for the Sewage Works 'event'  on Thursday morning.  A longer notice might have helped.   No matter, I visited the site to see what work was being done.  It seemed extensive.  The site manager was able to speak with me about the current state of play.    It was good to hear that the sewage is not being discharged into the Mere, and hasn't been for a 'good while'.  However it is being discharged further away (he pointed to the Wrinehill area).  He seemed a little vague.  However, this might explain the odours that Wrinehill residents have been experiencing in the last month or so and on and off during the Summer. At the last Rivers Trust update (2022) of sewage pumping activity into local rivers it was noted that the Sewage Works in Betley was one of the higher dischargers - 31 times over 252 hours.   It is unclear if the site is regulated - although it seems to have a permit.  Perhaps n...

Model Farm

 Civic Voice has recently published its lists of heritage sites and and sites at risk.   Doddington Castle is on the Heritage At Risk Register as is the 19th Century Model Farm complex.   The Farm has been undergoing repair and it seems that there is only the south range to complete.  Although an alternative use for the building is being discussed this has not  yet been decided.  There is an expressed  danger that the building will remain empty and will be at risk of falling into disrepair again.  Hopefully the matter will be resolved and the building will be put to good use.    

Bridling Ways

 At the recent meeting of the County Councils Rights of Way Panel this week ROW Betley 20 (Common Lane) which bounds Sandycroft was deemed not to merit an upgrade to bridleway status on the grounds of lack of evidence of use.  The Panel papers show that Betley Parish Council submitted a statement objecting to the Order for an upgrade to a bridleway on the grounds of safety and that the route would attract anti-social behaviour.   These are not grounds to be considered by the panel.   Unfortunately Minute 176/23 re the Parish Council's response to the applications was somewhat vague stating only that the Parish Council submission to the SCC had been 'communicated'.    I do not recall that the PC formulated an 'objection' to the Order at its June 2023 meeting.    It seems however, that the route up to the Staffordshire County Boundary is a bridleway courtesy of Cheshire East.   It is unusual for a ROW or a bridleway to stop mid- ...

Keeping up With the Sewage Works

 The Sewage Company are inviting residents to a communications and look-see morning tomorrow Thursday 9 November at 10.00 am to  11.30 am.  this is very short notice and also not a good time for many people who work. I have asked for an extension of the time but if that is not possible then as man people as possible should attend  - given that there have been odours detected recently and the tree has died!  Hopefully the Company might do the right thing and reschedule or add an additional evening session  after giving due notice!